You pick the location,
we will take care of the rest
Nordic Movers is an international moving and express cargo company established in Helsinki, Finland which arranges express cargo services and relocations to destinations located all over the Europan continental each week. Our experience and our worldwide network of partners, we are in a position to organise perfect relocations for you. Thus for example, you can be assured that your personal belongings and cargos arrive safely and efficiently at your new address, no matter where it may be in europe!

Terms of Services
1. These terms of service define the rules which bind the company Nordic Movers TMI. - Helsinki hereinafter referred to as Nordic Movers, in the process of transportation services provided for its Customers, hereinafter referred to as Ordering Parties.
2. Nordic Movers TMI performs the subject of the order which is the transportation of property on its own and with the help of other persons and their agents.
3. To Ordering Parties Nordic Movers TMI is liable for the actions of the persons who at the request of Nordic Movers TMI participate in the execution of the order as for its own actions.
The scope of activity of Nordic Movers TMI covers the whole territory of Europe.
1. The contract for the provision of transport services between Nordic Movers TMI and the Ordering Party shall be concluded at the time of the Ordering Party’s signing a transportation contract currently used by Nordic Movers TMI.
2. By signing the transportation contract the Ordering Party confirms their knowledge of these regulations. These Terms begins to bind the parties, as an integral part of the concluded contract for the provision of transport services, from the moment of signing the contract.
3. By signing the transportation contract the Ordering Party confirms and agrees with amount of payment and payment terms according to transportation offer (e-mail or official offer form which in use by Nordic Movers) and invoice.
The procedure of accepting and delivering consignments.
1. The Ordering Party shall notify Nordic Movers TMI of the desire to send a consignment by completing the registration form "order an international removal" or "order a payload".
2. After notification the consignment is taken from the Ordering Party and delivered to the addressee.
3. Acceptance of the shipment from the Ordering Party takes place on the basis of an international transportation contract which is currently used by Nordic Movers TMI.
4. One copy of the waybill is provided to the Ordering Party, another copy stays with Nordic Movers TMI and on this copy a confirmation of receipt signed by the recipient together with the date and time of receipt of the consignment shall be provided. 5. The consignment is delivered to the address provided in the waybill.
6. In case of the addressee’s refusal to accept the consignment it is returned to the Ordering Party.
7. In the absence of the addressee, Nordic Movers TMI leaves an advice note which
contains the contact details of Nordic Movers TMI. The period during which the addressee can contact Nordic Movers TMI is 12 hours and this period runs from the moment of leaving the advice note by Nordic Movers TMI In case of an ineffective expiry of this period the consignment is returned to the Ordering Party. The cost of returning the consignment is covered by the Ordering Party.
1. The Ordering Party is obliged to provide Nordic Movers TMI with the consignment whose condition allows its proper and unobstructed transport. The Ordering Party is obliged to provide the consignment without any faults or defects.
2. If the consignment, due to its character or content, requires packaging, the Ordering Party is obliged to provide it in the packaging.
3. Package weight and protection elements are included in the weight of the consignment. 4. In the case of gross deficiencies in the packaging or protection of the consignment Nordic Movers TMI may refuse to transport the consignment.
5. The Ordering Party guaranteed that there is nothing in the belongings against to Custom’s regulations(drugs, medicines, seeds etc.).
6. The Ordering Party is accepting full responsibility of Custom’s penalty fees if any.
1. The following consignments shall not be accepted for transport by Nordic Movers TMI.
A/ consignments containing dangerous goods or goods likely to cause harm to persons or property, including, in particular the materials which are: explosive, flammable, radioactive, corrosive, smelly as well as weapons or ammunition.
B/ consignments containing dead bodies or mortal remains of people or animals,
C/ consignments which, due to their properties, make it impossible to provide transport services using resources and transport equipment owned by Nordic Movers TMI,
D/ consignments containing works of art, antiques, precious stones and precious metals in any form or shape, currency, negotiable securities,
E/ other consignments whose transport is prohibited by applicable law,
F/ consignments in containers that may make dirty or otherwise damage other consignments.
1. The Ordering Party places the recipient’s address on the consignment or on the packaging of the consignment. This address is also provided in the waybill. The address should be written clearly, without deletions and without signs of rubbing. The address should include, in particular, the zip code of the recipient.
2. Nordic Movers TMI may accept to transport the consignment on which there is no zip code or address data are illegible only if the Ordering Party makes a written statement that they accept responsibility for possible non-delivery of the consignment or delay in the delivery of the consignment as well as for any damage occasioned by delay in the delivery of the consignment.
3. The ordering Party accepts to pay following costs accuses by Customs Officers decisions and inspections: DTHC, Demurrage (if any), Taxes and Duties (if any), any additional terminal charges, any third party service, storage charge, handling charges
because of difficult access, customs exam and X-Ray, any kind of customs based service costs.
4. Ordering Party accepts to pay costs accuses by Police inspections: overload (if customer loads over weight than agreed weight limit), dangerous goods (consignments whose transport is prohibited by applicable law)
Nordic Movers TMI may refuse to execute an order:
1. When the time and space needed to execute the shipment order are not available,
2. If Nordic Movers TMI claims that the declared content or weight of the consignment is not accurate or if Nordic Movers TMI reasonably suspects such non-compliance,
3. If the Ordering Party has not protected the parcel properly.
Nordic Movers TMI is not responsible for the delay, return of the consignment or refunding agreed invoice in the following cases:
1. If the addressee has changed their place of residence or seat,
2. The consignment has been poorly addressed, and especially when there is a mistake in the name of the recipient, business name, street name ,zip code number and village/town/ city of the recipient,
3. If the actual content of the package is not compatible with the content declared upon sending.
4. If the Ordering Party describes poorly needed equipments and tools for loading/ unloading.
§ 10
1. The fee for consignment is paid upon the confirmation sent in electronic form before the provision of the service. Payment deadlines and payment forms are each time agreed with the Ordering Party depending on whether the service is single or multiple. Each Ordering Party is entitled to demand a current price list or valuation of the consignment during the order placement process. In case of cancellation of services two weeks before agreed loading date, the amount paid will not be refunded. Ordering party agrees with payment terms according to transportation offer and invoice.
2. Ordering Party accept to pay additional fee according to agreed unit price if load is over weight than agreed total weight or load is over sized then agreed cubic meter.
§ 11
As long as the item is with Nordic Movers TMI, Nordic Movers TMI is entitled to have a lien on it in order to secure the claims arising from the contract for the provision of transport services.
Nordic Movers TMI has right to make price evaluation, lien, sell and count as a payment Ordering Party’s goods or belongings in case of refusal of agreed payment.
§ 12
The Ordering Party is hereby informed that the opening of the package and checking its content by Nordic Movers TMI may take place only at the request of persons authorized to do so by law.
§ 13
1. In case of delay in delivery of the consignment, the recipient executes a protocol in the presence of a representative of Nordic Movers TMI.
2. The protocol shall contain: the date and time of the delivery and the reason for the delay in the delivery of the consignment. The latter shall be stated by the representative of Nordic Movers TMI
3. The protocol shall be signed by the recipient and the representative of Nordic Movers TMI.
4. Nordic Movers has to provide another veichle in 5 calendar days and inform Ordering Party in case of force major situations (accidents, mechanical problems etc.)
§ 14
1. The liability of Nordic Movers TMI for loss, shortage or damage of the consignment during the period starting from its acceptance for transport and ending with issuing it to the recipient is limited to the compensation amounting to the normal value of the consignment, with the stipulation that the compensation of up to 500€ / (fivehundredeuros) / is paid out by Nordic Movers TMI and the compensation above this amount is paid out by the insurance institution.
2. Nordic Movers TMI, in the event of non-performance or improper performance of the service, shall not be liable for damage consisting in the loss of profits or anticipated profits or incomes by the Ordering Party, a recipient party or third parties.
3. Nordic Movers TMI is not responsible to pay or repair damaged goods if packaging, loading, unloading performed by Ordering Party.
§ 15
1. Complaints relating to the non-delivery of the consignment, delay in its delivery, its damage or loss are accepted in the office of Nordic Movers TMI.
2. The following entities are entitled to the right to file a complaint:
A/ Ordering Parties,
B/ Recipients (addressee of the consignment) – if the Ordering Party waives pursuance of claims in favor of the Recipient (addressee of the consignment).
3. Complaints should be submitted within a non-negotiable deadline of 14 days. The 14 - day period runs from the day following the day of the dispatch of the consignment.
4. A complaint will not be considered if:
A/ it has been submitted or completed after the 14-day period,
B/ is inaccurate or incomplete,
C/ has been submitted by an unauthorised person,
5. A complaint notification form should include:
A/ name (or the name and surname) of the person making the complaint,
B/ complaint title,
C/ documented entitlement to pursue complaint claims,
D/ postal receipt (waybill),
E/ amount of the complaint claim,
F/ proofs of payment of all fees and charges for the transport of the consignment,
G/ list of attachments to the complaint,
H/ signature of the person making the complaint.
6. In a situation where the complaint notification form does not comply with the conditions set out in § 15.5 of these Terms Nordic Movers TMI shall notify the missing information to the person who has submitted the complaint and shall call the person to complete the missing information by clarifying it or supplementing the complaint documents.
7. Supplementing a complaint should be made within the period for submitting a complaint, referred to in § 15.3
8. Complaints are resolved within 30 days from the date of filing a proper complaint.
9. The office of Nordic Movers TMI shall notify the person making a complaint about the way of handling it.
10. The complaint may be recognised in whole or in part, or may be rejected.
11. The notification of the way of handling the complaint includes:
A/ justification of the way of handling the complaint,
B/ amount of compensation, if any, and the time and manner of the transfer of the amounts due,
12. The Ordering Party is not entitled to deduct the amounts claimed in the complaints procedure - prior to the complaint consideration - from current, past or future amounts due to the Contractor.
§ 16
1. These Terms may at any time be made available to the Ordering Party.
2. The Ordering Party is obliged to make themselves familiar with these Terms before providing Nordic Movers TMI with the consignment to be sent.